El artículo presenta una revisión de la investigación sobre lectura digital, con énfasis en poblaciones y entornos universitarios, publicada en revistas académicas indexadas entre el 2014 y el 2020. Una búsqueda en bases de datos bibliográficas dio como resultado 165 artículos. Aplicando criterios de selección limitados a los años citados se identificaron 30 artículos, que son discutidos agrupándolos en las siguientes categorías: estados del arte (3 artículos), estudios teóricos (4) y estudios empíricos (23). Los 23 estudios empíricos muestran una diversidad metodológica, demográfica, disciplinaria y geográfica. Los resultados indican que una mayoría de participantes prefiere la lectura en impreso para materiales largos y complejos, mientras que el formato digital es preferido para textos menos exigentes y para una lectura más fragmentaria. Las investigaciones que estudian la relación entre formatos y comprensión lectora no son concluyentes. El aspecto social de la lectura digital está poco estudiado.
Amiama-Espaillat, C., Mayor-Ruiz., C. (2017). Digital reading and digital competence: The influence on the Z generation from the Dominican Republic. Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal, 25(52), 105-113.
Annisette, L. E., & Lafreniere, K. D. (2017). Social media, texting, and personality: A test of the shallowing hypothesis. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 154-158.
Baron, N., Calixte, R., Havewala, M. (2017). The persistence of print among university students: an exploratory study. Telematics and informatics, 34(5), 590-604.
Benoit, A. (2018). Textbook affordability and student acceptance of eTextbooks: an institutional case-study. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 1-29.
Ben-Yehudah, G., Eshet-Alkalai, Y. (2018). The contribution of text-highlighting to comprehension: a comparison of print and digital reading. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 27(2).
Burin, D., Barreyro, J., Saux., G., Irrazabal, N. (2015). Navigation and comprehension of digital expository texts: hypertext structure, previous domain knowledge, and working memory capacity. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 13(3), 529-550.
Carr, N. (2010). The Shallows: What the internet is doing to our brains. New York, NY: Norton.
Chia-Hsiang, C., Hao-Ren K. (2016). Digital reading behavior of LIS graduate students: a case study at National Taiwan Normal University. Chinese Librarianship, 42, 1-15.
Dantas, T., Mangas-Vega, A., Gómez-Díaz, R, Cordón-García, J. (2017). Reading research and digital reading research: an overview of the current scientific scenario. Informacao e Sociedade, 27(2), 117-131.
Delgado, P., Vargas, C., Ackerman, R., Salmerón, L. (2018). Don´t throw away your printed books: a meta-analysis on the effects of reading media on reading comprehension. Education Research Review, 25, 23-38.
Divya, P., Haneefa, M. (2018). Digital reading competencies of students: a study in universities in Kerala. Journal of Library and Information Technology, 38(2),
Divya, P., Haneefa, M. (2020). Factors influencing digital reading behavior of students: a study in universities in Kerala. Journal of Library and Information Technology, 40(5), 313-320.
Durant, D., Horava, T. (2015). The future of reading and academic libraries. Libraries and the Academy, 15(1), 5-27.
Garcia-Roca, A. (2020). Lectura virtualmente digital: el reto colectivo de interpretación textual. Cinta de Moebio, 67, 65-74.
Gazzaley, A., & Rosen, L. (2016). The distracted brain: Ancient brains in high-tech world. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
Hahnel, C., Goldhammer, F., Naumann, J., Krohne, U. (2016). Effects of linear reading, basic computer skills, evaluating online information, and navigation on reading digital text. Computers in human behavior, 55, 486-500.
Ivic, I. (2019). Printed and digital media: printed and digital technologies. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 9(3), 25-49.
Jenkins, H., (2010). Piratas de textos: fans, cultura participativa y televisión. Paidós
Johnston, N., Salaz, A. (2019). Exploring the reasons why university students prefer print over digital texts: an Australian perspective. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 68(2), 126-145.
Kurata, K., Ishita, E., Miyata, Y., Minami, Y. (2017). Print or digital? Reading behavior and preferences in Japan. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(4), 884-894.
Lim, F. V., Toh, W. (2020). How to teach digital reading? Journal of Information Literacy, 14(2), 24-43.
Lim, H. J., Jung, H. (2019). Factors related to digital reading achievement: a multi-level analysis using international large scale data. Computers and Education, 133, 82-93.
López Gil, K. (2016). Prácticas de lectura digital de estudiantes universitarios. Enseñanza & Teaching, 34(1), 57-92.
Lluch, G. (2017). Los jóvenes y adolescentes comparten la lectura. En Cruces, F (autor)¿Cómo leemos en la sociedad digital? Lectores, booktubers y prosumidores. (31-54): Ariel.
Márquez Hermosillo, M., Valenzuela González, J. (2018). Leer más allá de las líneas. Análisis de los procesos de lectura digital desde la perspectiva de la literacidad. Sinéctica, 50, 1-17.
Merga, M.K. (2014). Are teenagers “really” keen digital readers? Adolescent engagement in ebook reading and the relevance of paper books today. English in Australia, 49(1), 27-37.
Naumann, J., Salmerón, L. (2016). Does navigation always predict performance? Effects of navigation on digital reading are moderated by comprehension skills. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17(1). 42-59
Naumann, J., Goldhammer, F. (2017). Time-on-task effects in digital reading are non-linear and moderated by persons ’skills and tasks ’demands. Learning and individual differences, 53, 1-16.
O´Sullivan, J. (2018). Beyond solutions: students´ rationales for print and screen reading in Irish higher education. Telematics and information, 35(2), 358-369.
Ozturk, S. (2018). Use of metacognitive online reading strategies by student teachers of English. European Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 3(3), 17-32.
Rabaud, C., Mamode Khan, N., Rampat, S. (2018). Independent and digital reading among undergraduates: the case of the University of Mauritius. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 10(3), 296-310.
Rasmusson, M. (2016). A multilevel analysis of Swedish and Norwegian students´ overall and digital reading performance with a focus on equity aspects of education. Large-scale Assessments in Education, 4, 3.
Rovira-Collado, J., Mateo, C. (2019). Social networks for reading as a new literary training space. En Escandell, D., Rovira-Collado, J (autor). Current perspectives on literary reading. (1-18). John Benjamin
Saima Qutab, Sohail Iqbal, Farasat Shafi. (2017). Screen-reading habits and use of e-resources of Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences´ students: a study of postgraduate students. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal).
Singer, L., Alexander, P. (2017). Reading on paper and digitally: what the past decades of empirical research reveal. Review of Educational Research, 87(6), 1007-1041.
Singer Trakhman, L., Alexander, P., Berkowitz, L. (2019). Effects of processing time on comprehension and calibration in print and digital mediums. Journal of Experimental Education, 87(1), 101-11.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Leonardo Melo González, Gloria Marciales Vivas, Fabiola Cabra Torres, Jorge Winston Barbosa Chacón, Harold Castañeda Peña