Una educación general transdisciplinaria para el fortalecimiento de la Universidad
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General Education
Democratization of knowledge

How to Cite

Vélez-Cardona, W. (2017). Una educación general transdisciplinaria para el fortalecimiento de la Universidad. Revista Umbral (in Process), (6), 5–32. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/8427


The development of a transdisciplinary general education is an important condition for the transformation and strengthening of the 21st century university. Transdisciplinarity and general education have a similar origin and purpose. Both pursue to correct the fragmentation of knowledge provoked by the disciplinary organization of the university. Both have moved away from the disciplines in their commitment to develop a democratic citizenship. Frequently some general education models which have had and have much influence in university structures have relegated, in some way, its original vocation and have assumed multidisciplinary curricular approaches (the sum of diverse disciplines without integration or without transcending them), which have affected the fulfillment of the university mission. From the beginning, its mission has been to study of what is universal and the human being as an integral entity, without fragmentation and within its context.For the above reasons, in order to strengthen the university nowadays, we need a transdisciplinary general education.
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