Hacia un conocimiento socialmente robusto: relaciones entre música, política y sociedad en el Puerto Rico contemporáneo
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Socially Robust knowledge
musical canon
knowledge integration
Salsa music
The Thirteenth Sound
Ismael Rivera
Mario Hernández

How to Cite

Sánchez-Zambrana, C., & Vélez-Cardona, W. (2017). Hacia un conocimiento socialmente robusto: relaciones entre música, política y sociedad en el Puerto Rico contemporáneo. Revista Umbral (in Process), (7), 19–43. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/8287


In this article we aim to develop the concept of socially robust knowledge, in the context of the relationship between the knowledge produced, validated in academic institutions or universities and the ones produced by quotidian practice and cultural paradigms in non academic spaces. That it, between "academic knowledge" and "street knowledge", amid the "alma mater" and "master life". Our principal reference framework will be the musical creation and its potential to produce connections or links with other social life areas, as well as its ability to embrace creative emotions and feelings which run through the academic sphere and disciplines, and places in the transdisciplinarity ground. Some specific examples of popular music culture are presented, where socially robust knowledge perspectives contribute to explain productive and politically pertinent reasoning.
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