Los dominios de Phobos: el miedo y la existencia en Luz negra de Álvaro Menén Desleal
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Álvaro Menén Desleal; Hispanic American theater; Existentialism; Camus; Sartre; Beckett; Nicola Abbagnano
Hispanic American theater
Nicola Abbagnano

How to Cite

Náter, M. Ángel. (2005). Los dominios de Phobos: el miedo y la existencia en Luz negra de Álvaro Menén Desleal. Revista De Estudios Hispánicos, (1-2), 183–199. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/reh/article/view/16223


This research analyses the drama of Álvaro Menén Desleal Luz negra (Black Light) in connection with Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre existentialism, and the proposals of Nicola Abbagnano in Introduction to Existentialism. Luz negra is related with both Huis Clos (Closed Door) and Les Mouches (The Flies) of Sartre, and with Samuel Beckett Attendant Godot (Waiting for Godot). It is preferred the analysis of the text and not the analysis of the drama, in connection with Raul H. Castagnino's theories exposed in Semiótica, ideología y teatro hispanoamericano (Semiotic, Ideology, and Hispanic America Theater).
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