La Investigación: Componente esencial en la prestación de servicios al estudiante universitario
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human behavior professionals
college students
counseling provision services

How to Cite

Negrón Morales, P. La Investigación: Componente esencial en la prestación de servicios al estudiante universitario. Revista Griot, 1(5), 38–54. Retrieved from


In this paper presented at the Second Meeting of the Human Behavior Professionals in Academic Institutions on May 14, 2008 at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus it is discussed the research as an essential component in the delivery of counseling services to college students. It is describes the student support services at the university. These services include prevention, development and psychotherapy components, as well as consultation, supervision and teaching. The human behavior professionals are invited to using the research to respond to the gradual changes in the college students characteristics. Also to change their own practices, and the revisions of the service centers and the institution mission. 

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