Responsabilidad de los padres en la toma de decisiones a favor de sus hijos e hijas
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parental responsibility
decision making process
best interests

How to Cite

Rivera Acevedo, M. A. (2014). Responsabilidad de los padres en la toma de decisiones a favor de sus hijos e hijas. Revista Griot, 3(2), 2–18. Retrieved from


Conventional wisdom assumes that all parents are committed to the best interests of their children and know what to do and how to do it in an almost innate way. This caretaking process entails decision making, either in favor of their children or instead of them. Some of these decisions have great consequences for the minors and affect their relationship with their parents in such a way that many parents feel uncertain regarding the road they must choose or the action they must take. It is not always clear what best interests refers to and there is no guarantee that the decisions taken are the right ones. These feelings might be due to the fact that most parents have no frame of reference that allows them to understand this process from beginning to end.

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