Lacanian Imaginary in the Era of Social Media: Alienation and Identity in Contemporary Subjectivity
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social networks
mental health

How to Cite

Campodonico, N. (2022). Lacanian Imaginary in the Era of Social Media: Alienation and Identity in Contemporary Subjectivity. Revista Griot, 15(1), 21–30. Retrieved from


The present work aims to explore the relationship between Lacan's psychoanalytic theory and the impact of social networks on mental health. In particular, the article focuses on the concept of the imaginary in Lacan and how this concept can help us understand how social networks affect mental health. We know that social networks are a space where imaginary identities are built and maintained. These imagined identities can be a source of satisfaction and emotional support for some, but they can also lead to an overreliance on social validation and constant comparison with others. Ultimately, the article suggests that understanding Lacan's theory can help us better navigate the digital world and protect our mental health.

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