La importancia de la preparación universitaria en estudiantes en desventaja social y económica
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academic preparation
socioeconomic disadvantage
counseling services

How to Cite

Morales Olivo, E. (2012). La importancia de la preparación universitaria en estudiantes en desventaja social y económica. Revista Griot, 5(1), 18–27. Retrieved from


The students who come from a socioeconomically disadvantaged area face serious difficulties in obtaining a college degree, so they need the support and services of the institutions that admit them. This research was conducted with the purpose of finding out the effect of college readiness of these students.  The participants in the study received assistance in order to help them achieve social and academic integration in college.  It was found that a college preparation has a positive effect in regards to employment, increased income, professional self-improvement and a reduction to government dependency.  The researcher concluded that an increase and expansion of resources for this student population is necessary to increase student retention and graduation.

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