Psychological well-being in the process of helping college students
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psychological well-being
subjective well-being
university students
helping process

How to Cite

Rosa Rodríguez, Y., & Quiñones Berrios, A. (2012). Psychological well-being in the process of helping college students. Revista Griot, 5(1), 7–17. Retrieved from



Psychological well-being is defined as the development of capabilities and personal growth, where the individual shows indicators of positive functioning (Díaz, et al., 2006).  Ryff (1989) defined six dimensions to assess the positive-negative continuous of psychological well-being of a person. This is a multidimensional approach that gave greater emphasis to the positive functioning, the person‘s capacities and growth development (Díaz, et al., 2006). In college students, the psychological well-being may be a determining factor for academic success.  Therefore, counseling and mental health services must be in accordance with student‘s needs.  Collaboration between the psychological service centers and the university administration is the key to promoting health (Díaz, et al., 2006).  This is because those centers, contribute to the institutional mission of providing services that will improve the physical and mental health of the students (Schwitzer, 2008).  In this article, we will discuss Ryff‘s (1989) multidimensional model, which includes the six dimensions of psychological well-being.  Finally, we include some recommendations to address the dimension into counseling or psychotherapy process with college students.

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