Design and validation of an instrument to measure satisfaction with academic services by graduate students
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student satisfaction, academic services, instrument validation

How to Cite

González Acosta, E. G. (2022). Design and validation of an instrument to measure satisfaction with academic services by graduate students. Revista Griot, 15(1), 1–20. Retrieved from


This research focused on the design, validation, and analysis of an instrument that measured the level of satisfaction with academic services of graduate students from a private university in the southern area of ​​Puerto Rico. The design was mixed with an exploratory approach. In the qualitative phase, eight students participated through a semi-structured interview. In the quantitative phase, 262 students participated. Content analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. Qualitative findings demonstrated that having potential, competitiveness, extracurricular activities, class loads, and flexible service hours influence the level of satisfaction with academic services. Regarding the quantitative phase, the instrument used to collect the data was designed in this research and yielded a reliability index of .947. On the other hand, by means of the statistical analysis, the construct validity of the instrument was carried out by applying a factor analysis. As a final result, the instrument consists of three factors and 58 items. The quantitative findings showed in the factor analysis that there are three factors that explain 40.0% of the variable satisfaction with academic services. It was recommended to periodically develop the application of the instrument to determine evaluation processes to improve the services offered by the institution.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Enid Guelmary González Acosta


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