Technical progress and efficiency changes in football teams participating in the UEFA Champions League


Malmquist Productivity Index
technical progress
efficiency changes
football teams
UEFA Champions League

How to Cite

García Cebrián, L. I., & Espitia Escuer, M. (2015). Technical progress and efficiency changes in football teams participating in the UEFA Champions League. Fórum Empresarial, 20(1 Verano), 1–27.


This paper commits to calculate and analyze productivy levels and its components for teams that participated in the UEFA Champions League between 2003 and 2012. It will pursue three objectives: 1) evaluate resources usage, 2) analyze the productivity levels of the football teams and the sports results, and 3) see the influence of participation experience in reference to productivity and sports results. Using Malmquist Productivity Index, the results reflect a lack of consistent progression of efficiency, productivity, and technical change. This competition does not reward the efficient usage of resources and there is not a conclusive relationshop between permanence in the competition and productivity.


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