Crowdfunding as an alternative for the entrepreneur of the 21st century
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mass financing

How to Cite

Jiménez-Cercado, M. E., & Acosta-Véliz, M. (2018). Crowdfunding as an alternative for the entrepreneur of the 21st century. Fórum Empresarial, 23(2), 81–93.


The objective of this research is to analyze the forms of financing for entrepreneurs in the present through the crowdfunding model. This 21st century tool allows the obtainment of resources to implement new projects and business ideas worldwide through web campaigns. A qualitative and quantitative mixed approach was used, with exploratory and descriptive research, reviewing the most current bibliography. The survey was used as an instrument and it was carried out in the city of Guayaquil, the most productive city in Ecuador. It is concluded that there is still ignorance regarding this model in its different variants, mainly in Latin American countries, needing to implement information campaigns so that the benefits of crowdfunding are socialized.
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