Reflection on a 25-year experience: Teacher training is the cornerstone of educational reforms
Pedagogía, vol. 44 (2011)
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educational culture
educational foundations
educational reform
teachers preparation

How to Cite

Villarini-Jusino, A. R. (2011). Reflection on a 25-year experience: Teacher training is the cornerstone of educational reforms. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), 44(1), 193–211. Retrieved from


This paper analyzes the formal education of teachers as an essential element of constructivist and humanistic educational reforms. This process requires: a clear concept about the nature of teaching as an activity that promotes learning; the appropriation by teachers of a new educational culture, that is of concepts and values that will frame and structure their teaching-learning practices; and a set of human-professional competencies for designing and implementing educational systems that will foster learning and human development.

How to cite:
Villarini-Jusino, A. R. (2011). Reflexión en torno a una experiencia de 25 años: La formación de los docentes es la piedra angular de las reformas educativas. Pedagogía, 44(1), 193-211. Rectrieved from

PDF (Español (España))


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