Domestic violence and religion: Implications for counseling
Cover, Number 22, December 2007
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domestic violence

How to Cite

López-Javier, J. (2007). Domestic violence and religion: Implications for counseling. Revista De Educación De Puerto Rico (REduca), (22), 77–106. Retrieved from


This article presents a review of literature that focuses on works about domestic violence. Such studies or investigations have focused on models or paradigms of violence formulated in terms of the concept of the aggressor, in which the woman is usually the victim and the man the aggressor. The study of domestic violence and religion is more recent and has serious implications for special and vocational counseling. This review includes three sub-themes: the religious participation, intervention strategies and culture. Violence or aggression towards the couple was the dependent variable for these investigations related to independent variables, such as participation in the church, denominational affiliation, culture, race and type of marriage, among other sociodemographic, psychological and spiritual factors. It follows from this research that a multidimensional approach to the study of violence, which considers aspects of systematic theories, feminism, public policy, society and culture, will allow for increased effectiveness and direction to the problem of domestic violence and its present dimensions.

How to cite:
López-Javier, J. (2007). Violencia doméstica y religión: Implicaciones en la consejería. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación, 22, 77-106. Retrieved from

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