About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Puerto Rico Journal of Education is an academic peer-reviewed journal published by the Educational Research Center at the College of Education, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. The journal accepts unpublished original works that discuss and analyse, with academic diligence, topics of interest in the field of education. It targets professionals, researchers and students of education and related areas.

Publication frequency

The Puerto Rico Journal of Education publishes on a continual basis; which means new articles come online as soon as they are edited and approved by the Editorial Board. The journal publishes a minimum of 14 research-based articles per year (usually 80% of the content), collected in one issue per semester (January to June, and July to December).

Open access policy

The contents published in the Puerto Rico Journal of Education is freely distributed under open access practices, in accordance with the Creative Commons license, Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). Through these principles, the journal and its authors allow readers to access, reproduce and share articles in full text. Users should give credit to authors in a reasonable way without suggesting they have their support. Under no circumstances, readers may make use of the contents for commercial purposes. The authors retain copyright on their works.

Archiving policy

The Puerto Rico Journal of Education preserves its archives through various electronic means, including: the Portal of Academic Journals of the University of Puerto Rico (its main distribution platform), a parallel copy maintained on the Portal of the Educational Research Center, and Google Drive, part of the G Suite platform. The journal is responsible for making the published content recoverable and accessible in the indexing services. At present, the journal is indexed by Conuco, PubMed, and 1Finder (a 1Science service); it is indexed and evaluated by LatIndex and ERIH-PLUS, and its bibliographic information is registered in Ulrischweb and WorldCat.