El papel del lector en "La vida breve", de Juan Carlos Onetti
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anthropological function
theory of reception
ideal reader
fiction's space

How to Cite

Miranda, M. T. (2017). El papel del lector en "La vida breve", de Juan Carlos Onetti. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 6(1), 16–24. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/ceiba/article/view/5595


"El papel del lector en La Vida Breve de Juan Carlos Onetti" connects the novel's reader with the anthropological function of fiction, as proposed by Wolfgang Iser in his theory of reception. The commentary explores the metadiscursive character of "La Vida Breve" and its demand of an ideal reader, capable of deciphering its meanings. The reader plays an active role as an accomplice in the construction of the fiction's space by inserting himself therein and entering and exiting from the universe created by Brausen, the narrator and protagonist. The writing highlights the permeable barriers of "La Vida Breve", the narrator's and reader's movements inside and out of the novelistic.
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