In the context of the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and its application in various fields, including libraries, the need arises to address the ethical and privacy implications that information professionals must ensure to use these technologies according to the values of libraries. Digital transformation has led to greater reliance on computerization, metadata analysis, and automation, raising fundamental ethical concerns about privacy and the responsible use of data. This study focused on exploring how Caribbean libraries are adapting their practices and policies to address the ethical and privacy challenges associated with the use of AI. The research examined how the risks of these technologies are analyzed, aiming to provide strategies to mitigate the ethical issues related to their use through the development of policies, innovative practices, and collaborations among information professionals. Initiatives to train library staff and educate users on the risks and benefits of AI were also explored. To support this content analysis, a review of recent literature was conducted, including case studies from the past five years and relevant policy documents related to AI, its use in libraries, and the ethical and privacy implications it requires. Recommendations from the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, as well as UNESCO guidelines on AI ethics, were highlighted. Additionally, the specific challenges faced by Caribbean libraries in terms of limited resources and cultural diversity were examined. The study identified key areas for future research and policy development. It also emphasized the need for collaborative approaches at the regional level to promote ethical standards within the Caribbean library community. The importance of a proactive, user-centered approach was stressed to ensure that libraries continue to fulfill their role as trusted and leading institutions in the era of AI.
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