La enseñanza y capacitación en Biotecnología desde la perspectiva de la Educación General
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general education
active learning
training workshops

How to Cite

Arroyo-Cruzado, G. (2017). La enseñanza y capacitación en Biotecnología desde la perspectiva de la Educación General. Revista Umbral (in Process), (4), 66–78. Retrieved from


Biotechnology presents itself as a promise for the reactivation and development of the economy in Puerto Rico and other Caribbean countries. Nevertheless, a large part of our population lacks the fundamental theories that enable the comprehension of diverse inter and multidisciplinary topics that make up and accompany this discipline. In this work are described three projects which were developed in the Department of Biological Sciences for the education of university students and preparation of educators in schools and universities. These topics are of concern to biotechnology from the perspective of General Education. One of the projects described was realized as part of the Exchange Program between the Department of Biological Sciences of the General Studies College (UPR-RP) and the School of Biology of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD). The objective of these projects is the formation of individuals with actualized scientific knowledge, capable of analyzing, evaluating and making decisions in a technologically dynamic society.
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