The experience lived by couples in the 2020 earthquakes in Puerto Rico: A phenomenological study
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couple relationship
phenomenology analysis

How to Cite

Nina-Estrella, R. (2024). The experience lived by couples in the 2020 earthquakes in Puerto Rico: A phenomenological study. Psicologías, 7, 92–116. Retrieved from


In 2020, Puerto Rico experienced an unusual phenomenon, a diversity of consecutive seismic events of considerable magnitude, which had significant consequences in the country. The present study had the objective of investigating the experience of the earthquake within the context of a dyadic relationship, and to investigate how the dyad faced this event. A qualitative study was conducted from the interpretative phenomenological analysis (Smith & Flowers, 2009). Four adults were interviewed, that is, two heterosexual couples. The results obtained show four emerging themes: (1) life experience, (2) effects: personal and daily life, (3) couple relationships, and (4) coping strategies.  The work exposes the traumatic nature of the lived experience, the effect it had on their daily life and how significant it was to experience this event with their partner. Future studies are proposed in order to provide continuity to this line of research.

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