Preservation of Mabí by Chemical and Physical Means

How to Cite

Graham, H. D., & Chaparro, M. (1982). Preservation of Mabí by Chemical and Physical Means. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 66(2), 89–98.


Mabí, a fermented drink made from the bark of the mabi tree (Colubrlna elliptica), spoils if it is not refrigerated. Attempts were made to preserve mabf by adding to it 0.05 to 0.1% (w/v) of sodium benzoate and of potassium sorbate. Preservative effect was gauged by the growth of collforms and yeasts, which are the organisms responsible for mabí fermentation. Also, mabí was pasteurized at 65 ° C for different periods of time. Mabí to which sodium benzoate at 0.07 and 0.09% levels was added and mabí pasteurized at 65.6° C for 15 min, kept well at room temperature (28 ± 2° C) for up to 16 weeks. These samples were rated acceptable to excellent by members of a taste panel. Potassium sorbate at up to 0.1%, as well as a mixture of 0.05% potassium sorbate plus 0.05% sodium benzoate, was less effective than sodium benzoate alone at 0.07-0.1%, in preservating mabí.
