In order to determine the possible effect of two storage temperatures on the quality and shelf life of Parvin mangoes (Mangifera indica L.), mature green fruits were stored for 15 days under 75 to 80% relative humidity and at 10.6° C (51° F) or 13° C (55° F) temperature. Then both groups were divided and exposed to one of two temperatures that prevail during marketing, 20° C (68° F) or 27°C (80° F), until ripe, just starting to soften (consumer eating stage). No significant differences were observed in fruit weight loss during storage. When ripe, the mangoes were not significantly different in skin color, anthracnose decay and stem-end rot decay. The most days required for ripening after storage (9.1) and the highest weight loss (15.8%) were observed in the 10° C/27° C treatment. Titrable acidity was relatively lower for all fruits exposed to a temperature of 27° C, and as a result higher values for °Brix acid ratio were obtained. Under similar conditions, quality Parvin mangoes from Puerto Rico could have an expected market shelf life of at least 7 days.