More than a hundred white-fleshed sweetpotato cultivars were collected during 1966 throughout the Island. These cultivars, together with others selected from the Station collection, were included in a series of trials at the Isabela and the Fortuna Substations. At Isabela, the soil is a Coto clay (Oxisol); at Fortuna, a San Antón silty clay (Mollisol). The replicated experimental plots consisted of four rows 5.49 m (18.0 ft) long and 1.07 m (3.5 ft) apart. Cultivars Miguela and Blanquita produced higher yields at Fortuna than at Isabela. However, cultivars Mina, Ponceña and Chardón yielded higher at Isabela than at Fortuna. At Isabela, Miguela yielded 20.6, 25.9, 35.1, 36.9 and 26.1 tons/ha during 1968-69, 1969-70, 1970-71, 1971-72 and 1972-73, respectively. Mina yields were as high as 40.7 tons/ha during 1971-72 and as low as 19.1 tons/ha during 1968-69. Ponceña yields were as high as 38.6 tons/ha during 1971-72 and as low as 18.0 tons/ha during 1968-69. Chardón highest yields (33.4 tons/ha) were obtained during 1971-72 and the lowest 14.6 tons/ha during 1968-69. The highest Blanquita yield (34.1 tons/ha) was obtained during 1970-71. At Fortuna, the highest Miguela yield (39.1 tons/ha) was obtained during 1971-72. Mina reached its production peak during 1972-73 with 28.3 tons/ha. However, Ponceña's 32.9 tons/ha were obtained during 1971-72. Chardón peak yield (27.8 tons/ha) was obtained during 1969-70, and Blanquita's 33.0 tons/ha was obtained during 1971-72.