Differential Response of Corn and Sweet Potatoes to Zn Applications in an Oxisol in Northwestern Puerto Rico

How to Cite

Badillo-Feliciano, J., & Lugo-López, M. A. (1980). Differential Response of Corn and Sweet Potatoes to Zn Applications in an Oxisol in Northwestern Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 64(4), 482–488. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v64i4.10194


Experiments were conducted in an Oxisol in an attempt to clarify the role of Zn in crop production. The Capo fertilizer-yield equation was applied to the first of two consecutive corn crops of Pioneer X-3068 and Funk's G-795W, grown in an exposed Coto clay subsoil. The equation made possible the estimation of grain corn yields with a fair degree of precision. A crop of a white-fleshed sweet potato cultivar (Mina) was grown in a typical undisturbed Coto clay near the site where the corn experiments were conducted. Near maximum yields could be obtained with the application of only 3.3 kg/ha of Zn. Stover yields were estimated with a very high degree of precision (r= 0.98) from the corresponding equation. No response to Zn was obtained in the second consecutive corn crop (Funk's G-795W) nor in the sweet potato crop.
