Losses of Sucrose in Cut Cane Kept under Shade or Sun for Different Periods

How to Cite

Boneta-García, E., & Lugo-López, M. A. (1962). Losses of Sucrose in Cut Cane Kept under Shade or Sun for Different Periods. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 46(3), 189–194. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v46i3.12334


Data are presented in this paper concerning the losses of sucrose by six sugarcane varieties stored either in the shade or under the sun, as is the common procedure in mill yards in Puerto Rico. The varieties included in the study were P.R. 980, P.O.J. 2878, M. 336, H. 32-8560, P.R. 1000, and P.R. 902. Two sets of samples, or a total of 120 samples of 10 stalks each, were stored for 20-day intervals following harvest. The daily percentage reduction in sucrose attributable to storage was significant. There were no essential differences whether storage was in shade or under the sun. The differential behavior of the six varieties was rather marked. Variety M. 336 was the least affected while P.R. 1000 was the most adversely affected variety.
