The effect of soil pH and related acidity factors on yield and foliar composition of plantains (cv Maricongo) grown on Los Guineos clay, an Ultisol, has been determined in a plant crop and a first ratoon. In the former, only soil pH was correlated in a significant way with number of fruits per bunch, r = 0.47 with Y = 322.73 + 134.41x - 12.32x2, to predict this yield parameter at a particular pH in the range of 4.4 and 5.2. Leaf calcium content was related in a highly significant way (r = 0.70) with number of fruits per bunch. In the first ratoon, no significant correlations were measured between soil acidity indices and the yield parameters, nor between nutrients in the leaves and plantain yields. Plantain cultivar Maricongo seems to be highly tolerant to low soil pH and correspondingly high ionic aluminum.