Performance of Oilseed Sunflower Cultivars in an Oxisol in Northwestern Puerto Rico

How to Cite

Lugo-López, M. A., Badillo-Feliciano, J., & Calduch, L. (1977). Performance of Oilseed Sunflower Cultivars in an Oxisol in Northwestern Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 61(2), 200–203.


Oil yield potential of five high yielding sunflower cultivars grown under tropical conditions in an Oxisol in northwestern Puerto Rico was evaluated. No significant yield differences were measured with cultivars Sputnik, Peredovik, Hybrid 891, Hybrid 894, and Hybrid 896. In spite of this fact, a fieldwide average of 1616 kg/ha was obtained. Yields of this magnitude are considered rather high for oilseed sunflowers under a tropical environment. The key to successful sunflower production in the deep, well-drained, acid, and relatively infertile soils of the tropics seems to lie in the use of high yielding cultivars coupled with rational fertilization and sound crop and soil management practices.
