Influence of Cultivars, N levels and Time of N Application on Plant Characters, leaf Composition, and Yield of Corn Grown on an Oxisol

How to Cite

Badillo-Feliciano, J., Lugo-López, M. A., & Scott, T. W. (1979). Influence of Cultivars, N levels and Time of N Application on Plant Characters, leaf Composition, and Yield of Corn Grown on an Oxisol. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 63(3), 273–280.


An experiment was conducted during the summer of 1975 (June 5 to September 24) on a clayey Oxisol in northwestern Puerto Rico to test the performance of 7 cultivars of corn at 2 different levels of N (67 and 134 kg/ha) at 3 different times of application (all at planting, 1/4 at planting + 3/4 one month after planting, and all one month after planting). There were no significant differences in yields between the 2 levels of N, but there was a significant 5% increase in yield with all N applied postplant in comparison with all preplant. There were also significant differences between grain yield of cultivars. The best grain yields were obtained with Pioneer X- 3068 with more than 8,000 kg/ha at both N levels and times of application. An almost neglected local cultivar, Diente de Caballo, had a high mean yield of 7,387 kg/ha, which was significantly higher than those of the other 5 cultivars. Funk's G-795W and Opaque-2 type Sp 622 were the lowest yielders with about 5,400 and 4,800 kg/ha, respectively. Standard local cultivars (Mayorbela, and two other Opaque-2-Tuxpeño x La Posta and Composite K, hard endosperm) were intermediate in yield with over 6,000 kg/ha. Pioneer X-3068, Diente de Caballo, Tuxpeño X la Posta and Composite K, hard endosperm, produced over 6,000 kg/ha of stover, while Sp 622 produced only about 3,900 kg/ha. Plants of Pioneer X-3068 and Diente de Caballo were the tallest, while those of Sp 622 were the lowest. Plants of Funk's G- 795W had the smallest mean stem diameter. Mean leaf Nat silking was higher for all cultivars in the high N level (134 kg/ha) than in the low N level (67 kg/ha), except in Mayorbela. There were no significant interactions between cultivars, N levels and time of N applications.
