Potential Use of Rum Distillery Slops as Animal Feed Supplement. III. Effect of pH, Composition and Dilution in Mold Growth and BOD Reduction of Slops

How to Cite

González, I. M., & Murphy, N. F. (1980). Potential Use of Rum Distillery Slops as Animal Feed Supplement. III. Effect of pH, Composition and Dilution in Mold Growth and BOD Reduction of Slops. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 64(2), 138–147. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v64i2.10227


The growth of different strains of Aspergilli used in this study was affected by changes in the pH of the slops. Best results were obtained at pH 4.8 or higher. The slops from two distilleries differed in composition, but this did not affect mold growth and did not alter consequent reductions of BOD and total sugars in the treated product. BOD reductions in diluted slops were higher (75%) than in undiluted slops (56%), increasing with slops dilution. Best results were obtained with a slops water dilution of 1:2.


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