The figure of the divorced father with custody, the meanings as a provider and the needs in professional counseling
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Divorced fathers
economic provider

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Seguinot-Ramírez, E. D. (2016). The figure of the divorced father with custody, the meanings as a provider and the needs in professional counseling. Revista Griot, 9(1), 34–47. Retrieved from


This article presents the findings of an investigation set on examining the meaning of the role of provider from the divorced fathers with custody of their children. Also, to acknowledge the needs and the implications which these experiences could have in professional counseling. For these purposes, a qualitative method with phenomenological focus was used and profound interviews were conducted. The conclusions of the investigation emphasized the importance of the father figure as the economic provider. As for the need of counseling, the narrations suggested the need to reinforce the nontraditional fatherhood and the construction of a counseling model with a vision and focus which could promote the father figure and avoid the traditional male stereotype.

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