Resiliencia y Apoyo Psicosocial al Estudiante
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psychosocial support
college students
academic success

How to Cite

Bueno Delgado, G. Resiliencia y Apoyo Psicosocial al Estudiante. Revista Griot, 1(2), 5–9. Retrieved from


Regardless of their IQ, many students manage to overcome family difficulties, college adjustment issues, and achieve their academic goals. These type of students are described as resilient. The resilient students makes use of internal characteristics and their environment in order to cope successfully with difficulties confronted throughout life. Resilience is a growth and achievement process in which an individual gains personal strength as he manages every day difficulties. Throughout this process, internal strengths as well as psychosocial support play an important part.  Resilient students are motivated and possess a high self-esteem. They usually can count on the support of significant others. This article comments on studies that show how support networks and internal strengths have an influence on the achievement of academic goals and in the development of resilience.

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Richman, Rosenfeld & Bower, (1998). Social Support for Adolescents at Risk of School Failure. Social Work Journal of the National Association of Social Workers. Vol. 43, No.4.

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