Madres Adolescentes y la Transición a la Universidad
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Transitional process from high school to college
teen mothers
college students

How to Cite

Rosa Bruno, M. Madres Adolescentes y la Transición a la Universidad. Revista Griot, 1(7), 4–19. Retrieved from


This investigation explored the experiences and difficulties that teen mothers had as college students. This work described the transitional process that these teens went through from high school to college life. The model used for this investigation was Vincent Tinto‘s (1993) Integration Model of College Students. This model gave importance to the characteristics the students brought with them to college; for example, their family history or background, their abilities, their skills as well as their academic abilities.  If the student brought study habits, basic study skills and family support with him/her; consequently, these conditions could help the student very much during the transitional stage because there is interest in the teen‘s pursuit of a college degree.

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