A constant challenge: Life after bariatric surgery
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bariatric surgery
support group
realistic expectations
lifestyle changes

How to Cite

Paredes Despradel, M. E., & Rivero Vergne, A. (2016). A constant challenge: Life after bariatric surgery. Revista Griot, 8(1), 60–72. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/griot/article/view/1499


Bariatric surgery is considered among the most effective treatments for severe obesity helping to improve many of the conditions associated with this disease and contributing to a better quality of life. Although the results of undergoing bariatric surgery are directed to positive changes, these have the potential to create high level of stress in patients. Several studies have documented that the post-surgical changes represents a great challenge and a re-adjustment process for these patients. In this study the psychosocial challenges faced by a group of Puerto Rican patients who underwent bariatric surgery are discussed, specifically those related with: changes in lifestyle, the need for a support group to work with these changes and the importance of having realistic expectations to make this process more bearable. These patients should have a clear understanding of the process before embarking on a surgical procedure that will alter their life significantly. Recommendations for both patients and health care professionals are offered.

Digital Institutional Repository at University of Puerto Rico - Permanent Identifier: https://dire.upr.edu/handle/11721/1046

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