The knowledge of social anxiety disorder and its implications in counseling
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Professional counselor
university student
social anxiety

How to Cite

Rodríguez Pérez, M. (2018). The knowledge of social anxiety disorder and its implications in counseling. Revista Griot, 11(1), 2–15. Retrieved from


Counseling professionals are considered mental health professionals, therefore, it is fundamental to conduct research about their knowledge on mental disorders, in particular the knowledge of those who work in the university setting to be able to design trainings that result in better interventions for the benefit of students. This research is descriptive and aimed to describe the knowledge that counseling professionals of university settings have about social anxiety disorder and its impact on the university students. The sample consisted of 32 professional counselors from two university systems of Puerto Rico. An online questionnaire designed by the researcher was used and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Data revealed strong areas in general knowledge about the condition and moderate knowledge about the impact on those who suffer it. The findings suggest the need to design trainings to improve the knowledge that counseling professionals who work in university settings have about mental health conditions.

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