Child and Youth Sexual Abuse: The relevance of the neurophysiological approach
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child sexual abuse
developmental trauma

How to Cite

Medina-Sustache, E., Otero Flores, W., Berrios Mota, Y., & Rodríguez Díaz, G. (2017). Child and Youth Sexual Abuse: The relevance of the neurophysiological approach. Revista Griot, 10(1), 88–102. Retrieved from


Child sexual abuse is a form of abuse. National and international statistics report that both its prevalence and incidence makes child sexual abuse a serious problem of public health. Studies focusing on trauma have identified possible developmental sequels in children who experience sexual abuse.  From a trauma perspective, theorists have proposed different theoretical approaches to understand possible effects and to develop clinical models that focus on the wellbeing of the victims. This literature review focuses on the neurophysiological approach as one that allows to identify possible effects on brain function and anatomy after the traumatic experience and also, integrates the developmental stage of the victim.  It is crucial in understanding specific alterations in brain structures and neurochemical processes and the impact on cognitive, emotional, physiological and behavioral responses in the victims. Also, clinical implications and recommendations are discussed.

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