Diversity of users in banking agencies: An analysis of latent classes, Libertador municipality, Mérida state, Venezuela
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market segmentation

How to Cite

Morillo Moreno, M., Morillo Moreno, M. D. C., & Coa Ravelo, M. D. V. (2015). Diversity of users in banking agencies: An analysis of latent classes, Libertador municipality, Mérida state, Venezuela. Fórum Empresarial, 20(1 Verano), 29–58. https://doi.org/10.33801/fe.v20i1.3296


To determine the existence of different groups of users of personal services of the banking agencies, based on demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics, field research was designed, based on random sampling, in the Libertador municipality of Merida state, Venezuela. As finding, a statistical analysis of latent classes highlights the existence of three classes of users; the kind that brings the largest number of users is characterized by a moderate frequency of use and perception over quality. The identification of such groups precedes the design of marketing practices for each segment, particulary for handling waiting times, service quality recovery.
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