Comparative study of international competitiveness of Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Haiti in times of covid-19
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international competitiveness
Cho 9-factor model
human factors
physical factors

How to Cite

Díaz-Cotto, G., Huamn-Crespo, N., Castro-Gonzáles, S., & Alsina-Gutiérrez, Y. (2022). Comparative study of international competitiveness of Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Haiti in times of covid-19. Fórum Empresarial, 27(1), 37–76.


This research studies the international competitiveness of three Caribbean islands: Puerto Rico (PR), Dominican Republic (DR), and Haiti (HT). The methodology used was Cho’s nine-factor model, which evaluated 38 competitiveness indicators for each country divided into human and physical factors. Weighted average analysis was used to give more relevance to the values related to the time of covid-19. This is pioneering work for the Caribbean, serving as a consultative tool for politicians, entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, and professors. We found two indicators with opposite trends between PR and DR, starting with the factor of female employers, where PR holds the first place, followed by GDP growth, where DR dominates. PR turned out to be the best economic system to have companies adapted to the remote work modality. In contrast, HT turned out to be the nation with the greatest competitive disadvantage.
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