Resiliencia y destrezas de afrontamiento en los estudiantes de primer año
Portada 2022: “Constelación Interior (serie: Ventanas)” Iván Collazo Rodríguez
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coping skills
self efficacy

How to Cite

Ramírez Rivera, M. ., & Vázquez Pica, F. . (2022). Resiliencia y destrezas de afrontamiento en los estudiantes de primer año. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 21(1), 125–139. Retrieved from


For a freshman, first year of studies influence the rest of their college experience. For the institutions is a continual challenge the rapidly increase of students with mental health issues asking for help and makes unavoidable the responsibility to provide more support services above the academic area that includes their personal, emotional and mental health. Life skills are an important role in their stress handling situations and resilience has been the factor that best contributes to bounceback and overcome the frustration, stress, traumatic events and their college adjustment. This article exposes the results of a study with first year students and the interaction between the following variables: resilience, stress, self-efficacy, learning climate and helicopter parenting. The results goes according other studies related to students where the higher resilience and coping skills moreover are their efforts to confront and overcome their academic and personal difficulties through college.

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