Educación a distancia y COVID-19 en Puerto Rico desde la perspectiva del personal docente
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Distance learning
Puerto Rico
Phenomenological research

How to Cite

Cordero Nieves, Y., Segarra Alméstica, E. V., Rivera Rodríguez, H., & Martínez Mejía, S. (2023). Educación a distancia y COVID-19 en Puerto Rico desde la perspectiva del personal docente. Revista De Administración Pública, 51(1), 113–157. Retrieved from


The purpose of the study is to know the perception of a sample of 40 teaching employees of the Department of Education of Puerto Rico, regarding the teaching and learning support processes during the first 14 months of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a qualitative study that used group and individual interviews to collect the data. The testimonies of the interviewees noted that prior to the pandemic, the Department of Education had made very little progress in the adoption of technology, both for the use of teachers and students. This situation affected their ability to offer distance education during the suspension of face-to-face classes. Students in rural and mountain areas, as well as those in special education, were perceived as the most affected.

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