Un reto para los Estudios Generales: El Movimiento Estudiantil Latinoamericano (MELA) como cantera de líderes políticos para el continente
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student movement
polítical participation
political leadership
Latin America

How to Cite

Pittari P., E., & Ordóñez V., L. (2017). Un reto para los Estudios Generales: El Movimiento Estudiantil Latinoamericano (MELA) como cantera de líderes políticos para el continente. Revista Umbral (in Process), (4), 95–132. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/umbral/article/view/8449


This paper proposes a framework that organizes and encompasses the various elements and aspects to be considered for a program oriented to identify, select and engage, from the Latin American Student Movement -concieved as a valuable pool of human resources-, the political leadership that the region needs. It also provides the conceptual basis for the proposition of further studies and systematic initiatives, in order to coordinate, facilitate and promote the emergence of an effective leadership, able to concentrate on those more demanding challenges to the political and social development of the region.
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