The Teaching of English at U.P.R.R.P., F.E.G.: A model for reflexive, critical and creative thinking about language


general education
English for Academic Purposes
linguistic competence
communicative competence

How to Cite

Haiman, A., Lockwood, M., & Walicek, D. E. (2017). The Teaching of English at U.P.R.R.P., F.E.G.: A model for reflexive, critical and creative thinking about language. Revista Umbral (in Process), (4), 39–65. Retrieved from


This paper presents the University of Puerto Rico, College of General Studies (FEG1), theoretical model for English language learning. It discusses the work of a committee that has utilized the concept of General Education to construct a conceptual model of communicative and linguistic competence for academic purposes. The English department serves non-native speakers of English having diverse proficiencies, from beginning ESL to higher-level students who are equally comfortable in both Spanish and English. The model harmonizes general educational goals, teaching philosophy, and interdisciplinary approach to learning.
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