Comentario a la ponencia "Educación general o estudios interdisciplinarios", de Waldemiro Vélez
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general education
academic community

How to Cite

Iglesias, J. (2017). Comentario a la ponencia "Educación general o estudios interdisciplinarios", de Waldemiro Vélez. Revista Umbral (in Process), (8), 111–118. Retrieved from


This text was presented by Josefina Iglesias in the Seminary of General Education of the College of General Studies at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus on January 30, 2013. In her commentary of Velez's paper, Iglesias emphasizes on the importance of the academic community for the General Studies goals. Vélez's presentation is available at the International Network of General Studies website,
PDF (Español (España))
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