Jorge Luis Borges studies the actantial model at "Tres versiones de Judas" (Ficciones, 1956), where he establishes that many times the opponent is the subject, both roles constitute the same actant, as it can be traced in the essay "La nadería de la personalidad". Because of this, it is imperative to see the subject with skepticism and to take notice on the opponent, as its narrative function is more complex than it seems. Borges conceives narrative actantial structures in a dynamic way as it is evident in his short stories "Tres versiones de Judas", "Los teólogos", "La forma de la espada ", between others. Therefore, he brings us not only a new narratologic form of 'querer expresar la vida entera' (wanting to express the entire life), but a new form of reading.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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