What of the human do the quarantine and the pandemic reveal?: A complicated relationship with knowledge
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Valsega Piazza, E. (2020). What of the human do the quarantine and the pandemic reveal?: A complicated relationship with knowledge. Psicologías, 4, 53–68. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/psicologias/article/view/18477


This work presents how using psychoanalytic theory to think about the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic puts into perspective the complexity of the relationship of subjects with knowledge (saber), both at the level of unconscious knowledge, as well as social, political or scientific knowledge. To recognize the unconscious is to recognize that this knowledge or situation, even if it is not recognized, continues to operate. The repression mechanism, which involves the removal of that knowledge from consciousness, demonstrates the existence of a passion for ignorance and it favors the worsening of the situation and the suffering linked to it. Putting the paradoxical and affective dimension of the relationship with knowledge into perspective highlights that it is an ethical, and not a technical, crossroads. This reflection allows us to think about a whole series of situations, current and future, both subjective and collective, and the alternatives to face them.

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