How to Cite
Segarra-Carmona, A. E., Franqui, R. A., Ramírez-Ramos, L. V., Santiago, L. R., & Torres-Rivera, C. N. (1990). Hot water dip treatments to destroy Anastrepha obliqua larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in mangoes from Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 74(4), 441–447.
Heated water was probed as a post harvest quarantine treatment to control third instar larvae of the West Indian fruit fly, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart), in mango, Mangifera indica L., variety Keitt. Fewer larvae infesting 600 to 650 g fruits survived when mangoes were submerged in water heated to 46.1° to 46.7° C for 20 to 60 minutes. Probit analysis of the data showed that submersion time required to achieve 99.9968% mortality was 59.5 minutes for mature larvae in fruits.
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