Data are presented here on the fruit yields obtained from a pineapple ratoon crop at Arecibo where various rates of filter-press cake and fertilizers were tested. The filter-press cake was applied 30 months prior to harvesting the ratoon crop. The plant crop was harvested 12 months earlier. Fertilizer for the ratoon crop was applied after harvesting the plant crop. Pineapple plants grown in soil receiving 24 to 32 tons of filter-press cake to the acre, in addition to 1,500 pounds of a 12-6-10 fertilizer, produced yields as high as, or even significantly higher than, plants growing in soil receiving twice as much fertilizer but no filter-press cake. The possibilities of using filter-press cake more extensively in pineapple fields in the Arecibo area, in conjunction with smaller doses of fertilizers than are generally used, must be considered by growers. The residual effect of the filter-press-cake applications will reduce the fertilizer bill considerably in pineapple ratoon-crop cultivation.