Improved varieties of mangos have been introduced to Puerto Rico for evaluation in several micro-climates and for market testing. During 1970, 20 consecutive weekly shipments of these mangos consisting of 1,926 flats were made to New York to acquire experience with export procedures, and to determine the extent of sales and fluctuation of prices as affected by season and size preferences. The fruit was shipped by ocean or air freight in ventilated cardboard flats containing approximately 12 pounds of mangos each. Marketing costs to New York City were estimated at $1.48 per flat. Wholesale prices varied from a high of $6.08 per flat in May to $2.67 during the flush of the season when heavy shipments of Florida mangos arrive on the market. Price differences between flats of large and medium fruit were minimal, but a sharp break in price occurred with small mangos. The average wholesale price received for the 20 shipments was $4.14 per flat. The results suggest that it would be advantageous to ship fruit to the New York market when prevailing wholesale prices are above $3.48 per flat. No deterioration of quality or spoilage were reported during the trial. Based on criteria of size, bearing season and productivity, Springfels may be rated first choice as a commercial variety, followed by Irwin, Haden, and Kent.