Performance of Silver Leaf Fern Pteris Ensiformis 'Victoriae' and Spider Plant Chlorophytum Comosum 'Vittatum' in Various Growing Media

How to Cite

Rodríguez, S. J., & Rivera-López, C. (1975). Performance of Silver Leaf Fern Pteris Ensiformis ’Victoriae’ and Spider Plant Chlorophytum Comosum ’Vittatum’ in Various Growing Media. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 59(2), 125–128.


The silver leaf fern Pteris ensiformis 'Victoriae' was planted in different growing mixtures under artificial shade. The peatmoss in the University of California and Cornell Peat-Lite mixtures was substituted by dry coffee leaves, sugarcane bagasse, spent ground coffee, Caño Tiburones muck or wood shavings. Neither the University of California sand-peatmoss mixture nor substitutions of peatmoss were suitable for growing in hanging baskets. The Cornell Peat-Lite mixtures A and B were adequate for proper growth of silver leaf fern in hanging baskets. Dry coffee leaves, sugarcane bagasse, spent ground coffee and Caño Tiburones muck were adequate substitutes for peatmoss in the Cornell mixtures. Vermiculite, perlite, or Styrofoam did not improve growth over peatmoss alone. The potting qualities of fresh spent ground coffee were improved by the addition of calcined clay, perlite or Cialitos clay (an Oxisol) as shown by the growth of the spider plant, Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum'.
