Thirty well-rooted cuttings of Dracaena deremensis 'Warneckii' Engler, were grown in 3-gal porcelain crocks using a solution culture method, with differential treatments consisting of solutions deficient in either N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Fe, Mn or B. An extra set of plants received a complete nutrient solution for comparison. By the end of the experiment, characteristic deficiency symptoms of only N, P, Ca, and Fe developed as follows: A lack of N induced a reduction in top growth and a pale green foliage. Younger leaves tended to be long and narrow with wavy margins. They also developed black spots along the typical white band near the margin. The root system of such plants was abundant and fibrous. New suckers were weak and few. Phosphorus deficiency was characterized by a rosettelike arrangement of the younger leaves. Necrotic spots like the ones developed under N deficiency were also present. These eventually broke down giving the leaves a ragged appearance. Margin serration occurred in the younger leaves, specially in the basal portions. On the other hand, the mature leaves developed numerous rustlike pustules. New shoots were deep green in color and few in number. Growth of plants lacking Ca was drastically reduced. Young, as well as recently mature leaves, were affected by severe marginal serration. As the deficiency became more acute, numerous brown spots appeared along the margins of older leaves. As they increased in size, they progressed either toward the tips or the mid rib, finally involving the whole lamina. Rustlike pustules similar to those exhibited by the minus-P plants also were present in some of the oldest leaves of plants lacking Ca. New shoots looked weak with blackish leaflets Fe-deficient plants manifested a severe chlorosis, which appeared early in the young leaves. Some of the chlorotic leaves developed necrotic spots along the basal portion. As they increased in size the whole leaf was invaded. The concentration of the particular missing element in the leaf tissues was lower in plants grown with the element withheld than in the controls.