Fruit Set as an Index for Harvesting Edward Mangos

How to Cite

Cancel, H. L., & García de Pérez, T. (1979). Fruit Set as an Index for Harvesting Edward Mangos. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 63(1), 31–34.


Fruit set was used as an index for harvesting mangos of the Edward variety. Fruit setting date was determined for each tree in order to establish one harvesting date for the total fruit production of that tree. Fruits were classified according to size and ripeness. At 15 weeks after fruit set there were a large number of fruits with the maximum diameter of 3 in or larger. These fruits were in a mature but green stage. A longer delay of harvesting after fruit set gave fruits of a more advanced stage of ripeness. Although these fruits could be used for immediate consumption, they can not withstand too much handling or prolonged storage.
