Reseña sobre el concepto de inteligencia emocional y su importancia para consejeros, administradores, trabajadores sociales y educadores
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emotional intelligence
existential success

How to Cite

Maldonado Santiago, N. Reseña sobre el concepto de inteligencia emocional y su importancia para consejeros, administradores, trabajadores sociales y educadores. Revista Griot, 1(1), 14–21. Retrieved from


Although in earlier ages a person‘s intelligence was based on intellectual knowledge and the ability to strike high grades, in the 21st century this vision needs to be reformulated thanks to the study of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, analyzed by many experts throughout history, is defined as the ability an individual archives to control and regulate their feelings, using them as a guide for thought and action. The present article revises a variety of literature, focusing in the components of emotional intelligence as well as the results reflected in individuals in all life stages. 

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Santrock, J. (2002). Child development. Boston. In Santrock, Chapter 11: Emotional Development. New York: McGraw Hill.

Steiner, C. (1998). La educación emocional. Buenos Aires: Avon Books.

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Yekovich, F. R. (1994). Current issues in research on intelligence. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED385605).

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